Brothers in arms road to hill 30 glitch carentan
Brothers in arms road to hill 30 glitch carentan

Transcript Main article: Bloody Gulch/Transcript

  • Private James York (does not speak,KIA).
  • Private Thomas Locke (does not speak,WIA).
  • Private Nicholas Hooper (does not speak).
  • Private Richard Doe (does not speak,KIA).
  • Private First Class Harry Wheaton (does not speak).
  • Private First Class Kevin Leggett (KIA).
  • Corporal Franklin Paddock (does not speak).
  • Corporal Samuel Corrion (does not speak).
  • Corporal Jacob Campbell (does not speak).
  • The 101st was holding the line until Baker returned with reinforcements. German reinforcements and armor moved in from the south along the 101st's left flank.ĭefend Hill 30 until Baker arrives with reinforcements Baker rests up near the tank and asked for a cigarette. Red's team joined the fight and fight an endless wave of Germans until Baker arrived with the 2nd Armored Division tanks and ended in an American victory. Red's team head back to the main line where it is underwhelming fire and need of support. Red grabbed few Panzerfasuts and destroy two tanks. Red's team managed to kill the Germans while avoiding the Panzers. In the another area, they finish the mortar team but as they are moving on, the tank enter the battlefield and engage the team. After an intense fight, they head to another area. They headed the left flank and engage the Germans in the area. Red is joined not only 3rd Squad but also 2nd and 1st Squad.

    #Brothers in arms road to hill 30 glitch carentan mac#

    Red recalls his time in Battle of Hill 30 where Mac tasked Red and his squad to go to the left flank to eliminate German reinforcement in the battlefield. Witness what happens at Hill 30, after Baker leaves to find the armor, with the men who were left to defend the line under the command of Hartsock and Sgt.

  • 3.2 Defend Hill 30 until Baker arrives with reinforcements.
  • Final verdict: an awesome game well worth the price (purchase or rental), but not without its faults. Picking up weapons in the middle of a firefight is pretty rage inducing, though. While not necessarily a game-killer, it's still pretty annoying. In an attempt to be as realistic as possible, Gearbox designed your rifle to move slightly while aiming, just like real life. Also, the German artillery positions aren't camouflaged, something that any army is especially sure to do. They don't try to run for it, or get to a better position. They don't try to flank or out-flank you. They won't move when your flanking maneuvers are detected. The German infantry in this game is about as smart as a rock. They'll take cover, flank, and be avoid enemy fire when you order them to move. Best of all: your squad mates aren't idiots who run into gunfire. It's fun, addicting, and as close to Operation Chicago as you're ever gonna get. And since BoB is the highest rated mini-series on IMDb, that's a good thing. BiA is best described as "Band of Brothers: The Video Game". It's also the most historically accurate game I've ever played (other than problems regarding German forces.) You actually have to use your squad to win, which is something I've never seen in a WW2 game. While Call of Duty and Medal of Honor are awesome in their own rights, it doesn't have what BiA has: tactics. This has got to be one of, if not the best World War 2 video game I've ever played. This is based on my opinions, and gaming knowledge I've learned from experience, G4, and gaming magazines. I'll start by saying that I am a huge fan of both video games and World War 2 related entertainment.

    Brothers in arms road to hill 30 glitch carentan